

类型: 剧情




  The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi Germany - he hides his Jewish origins and often eludes death. He works as a waiter in the restaurant of an exclusive hotel and carelessly enjoys all the charms of life surrounded by luxury, beautiful women and friends from all over Europe. However, when the war begins to take a bloody toll on those closest to him, the intricately built world that surrounds him crumbles like a house of cards.


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    简介:  In "Upside-Down Magic, a Disney Channel Original Movie, 13-year-old Nory Boxwood Horace discovers she can flux into animals, and her best friend Reina Carvajal can manipulate flames. Together, they enter the Sage Academy for Magical Studies. Reina's expert ability to harness the power of fire lands her at the top of her class of "Flares," but Nory's wonky magic and proclivity for turning into a "Dritten"-a half-kitten, half-dragon-lands her in a class for those with Upside-Down Magic, otherwise known as UDM. While Headmaster Knightslinger believes the UDM's unconventional powers leave them vulnerable to dangerous and evil "shadow magic," Nory and her fellow UDM classmates set out to prove that Upside-Down Magic beats right side up.
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    简介:  When a young hiker stumbles onto an isolated farm after losing her way on the Appalachian Trail, she is taken in by a strange yet beautiful couple desperate to protect a secret deep in the mountains.
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    简介:  「いなくなれ、群青」で第8回大学読書人大賞を受賞した河野裕氏のデビュー小説「サクラダリセット」シリーズが実写映画化されることになり、野村周平と黒島結菜が主演することが明らかになった。「神様のカルテ」「先生と迷い猫」の深川栄洋監督がメガホンをとり、体験したことは決して忘れない「記憶保持」の能力を持つ高校生・浅井ケイと、世界を最大3日分巻き戻す「リセット」能力を持つ女子高生・春埼美空の物語を、前後編の2部作で紡ぐ。
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    简介:  达明遇到神秘少女安安,被穿越时空来到清朝,被逼无奈之下,要在清朝以宋世杰的名义打官司,使得虚构人物宋世杰成为真实的存在。而安安的目的更是希望以此令到现实的达明与虚拟世界的宋世杰打通一座穿越两个世界的桥梁,从而让养父找到办法虚拟世界,与自己的爱人一家团聚。时空修复师薛引来到,试图阻止,与穿越者安安斗智斗勇,更在一捉一放,一打一闹间留下无尽暧昧。可是二人争斗中无意间却令大清朝混入了开膛手杰克。杰克如鱼得水,大开杀戒。而另一边达明和宋世杰已经浑然一体,翻案成功,世杰世上留名,更因此而产生了新的平行宇宙,可是安安不属于这个世界,生命危在旦夕!最后一刻,修复师薛隐舍身引开开膛手杰克,令时光倒转。
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    2014 剧情
    简介:  陷入轮回地狱中的男人,不得不一遍遍面对自己亲手杀死妻子的事实,如何才能跳出这个噩梦般的循环?加拿大新锐导演梅林·德维塞维克四年磨一剑,推出的此部剧情长片处女作乍一看充满了各种即视感,跳跃循环不断改变过去的桥段媲美《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》等经典作品,然而精心打磨的剧本使得影片层次异常丰富,在复杂的结构之外更有政治隐喻和宗教意味。影片在金马奇幻影展上展映时大获好评,如同西西弗斯一般在轮回中得到救赎的故事,让观众走出影院仍玩味不已。


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