

类型: 剧情
主演: 范植伟 王笛
导演: 安澜





  • 最后的冠军2020 9.0 最后的冠军2020
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  • 658公里、阳子的旅途 3.0 658公里、阳子的旅途
    2023 剧情
    简介:  42 岁的阳子很久以前就放弃了自己的梦想和生活,她把自己与世界其他地方隔绝,在家做在线客服,从不离开自己的小公寓。当她收到早就疏远了的父亲去世的消息时,她的堂兄强迫她离开房间,与家人一起乘车回家,这是二十年来她第一次回家。然而,阳子最终独自一人留在了高速公路的休息站……没有手机也没有足够的钱乘坐公共交通,阳子别无选择,只能搭车去参加她父亲的葬礼。
  • 反斗马骝 3.0 反斗马骝
    1993 剧情
    简介:  根据美国FBI的线报,近期将有大批军火流入香港。为了打掉这个由台湾黑帮头目李思泽(陈勋奇 饰)率领的规模庞大的犯罪团伙,香港警方决定集合海陆空三方面的力量组建一支身怀绝技的特种部队予以对抗,而吴大君上校(徐少强 饰)正担任该部队的队长。吴上校先后从三军挑选了周俊杰(刘德华 饰)、刘家伦(梁朝伟 饰)等功夫高强、个性鲜明的战士加入特种部队。这群恃才傲物的活宝来到部队,必然惹出不少麻烦,不过在吴上校的严格训练下也确实掌握不少格斗、求生的本领。  经过一段时间艰苦磨练,这群铁骨铮铮的汉子终于出师,然而前方还有更加残酷的任务等着他们……
  • 桃色辩护 1.0 桃色辩护
    2024 剧情
    简介:  Follows an ambitious criminal defense attorney that, in his aspiration to be named partner, takes on a murder case of an artist.
  • 喂!阿冬 7.0 喂!阿冬
    2022 剧情
    简介:  A miracle independent film capturing the growth of a single baby over a period of 3 years.  The film revolves around three struggling actors Michio, Gunji, and Enoken, who share a house together. One day, they find a baby girl left with a letter from Michio's ex-girlfriend. They name the child "Don-chan" and embark on the journey of raising her, despite their initial confusion. Directed by OKITA Shuichi, known for films such as "A Story of Yonosuke” and “The Fish Tale”, the movie is a self-produced project featuring OKITA and his actor friends, documenting the life of his own daughter from 6 months to 3 and a half years old. Shot entirely with a handheld camera, the film captures the heartwarming moments of Don-chan's growth and the challenges faced by the three men in nurturing her. The film was also shot on location in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, where Ueda Eigeki, a local theater, recommends the movie. Don-chan's growth is complimented along with the picturesque scenery of Bessho Onsen and Sugadaira Kogen. The heartwarming world of OKITA Shuichi, where drama and reality coexist in a mysterious harmony, unfolds throughout the film. From a crying infant, Don-chan grows to a point where she can speak her lines, and everyone's affectionate watch over her brings warmth and comfort to the viewers.
  • 香江恩仇 6.0 香江恩仇
    2023 剧情
    简介:  民国初年,十里洋场的香江市是大家向往的仅存的安逸之地,香江一江隔南北两岸,两岸却是完全不同的两种光景。北岸战火纷飞饱受战争侵袭,南岸却灯火通明,纸醉金迷,流行牌九行当。富人沉迷倾家荡产,穷人被祸害的性命不保。其中最有名的牌九场所“大世界”最近从东洋来了一位骗术精湛的牌技高手名叫木村,他不仅频繁使用千术坑害百姓,更加扬言自己能打败香江所有的同行高手,以牌腐蚀国人。 香江青年“一路发”听说木村在大世界大摆千局,暗设机关坑骗同胞,为揭穿木村的阴谋,一路发带着自己的兄弟陈柏年来到大世界,假装陷进木村设下的圈套。


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