

类型: 剧情
导演: Larry A. McLean




With every Christian suddenly "vanished" from the world, headstrong 15-year-old Gabby is thrust into adulthood way too soon, along with her younger sister Claire and the two teen boys, Josh and Flynn, vying for Gabby's attention. Will the group be able to navigate a dangerous new world ruled by those who've been left behind? The next installment in the incredibly popular LEFT B...


  • 学校 4.0 学校
    1993 剧情
    简介:  本片榮獲藝學院賞最佳電影、最佳劇本、最佳男主角(西田敏行)最佳助演男配角(田中邦衛)最佳新人(萩原聖人、裕木奈江)暨最佳導演六項大獎!!    《學校》是山田洋次構思了15年的意念。影片的背景是一所夜間中學,負責教學的是已屆中年的黑井先生。    他本來可以有機會調職到另一家正規學校任教,但他卻拒絕了。又一個學期要過去,在畢業禮即將來臨之前,黑井叫每個學生都以過去一年的日子做題材,寫下一些值得回味的事情。班上的同學,有不同年齡的、不同國藉和背景的,不約而同都發現:歲月雖然匆匆,但箇中悲喜,尤其是黑井的關懷,卻教他們永誌難忘。    本片是山田洋次創作生涯上的另一高峰:七年間已拍了四集,是山田繼《男人之苦》後的第二個成功系列。    Directed by the creator of the Tora-san series, Yamada Yoji, "A Class to Remember" unfolds in a night junior high school on the lower east side of Tokyo. Students from their teens to their sixties are enrolled. One of the most beloved teachers, Kuroi, asks each student to write an essay recalling their experience in the night school. In the midst of the class, a piece of tragic news arrives: Inoda, one of Kuroi's students, has passed away, upon which the whole class starts talking about each other's memory of Inoda. Compassionate and extremely poignant, "A Class to Remember", marks the beginning of another film series for Yamada. So far four installments have been made and all are box office hits.
  • 艳夏春夜 1.0 艳夏春夜
    1992 剧情
    简介:  Long Island, NY, summer 1961: Preteen Alice follows, from across the street, the glamorous love life of Sheryl, 17, with bowling alley Rick. A friendship develops as Alice helps Sheryl see Rick.
  • 一见钟情1993 5.0 一见钟情1993
    1993 剧情
    简介:  A journalist becomes the unwanted center of attention for a 14-year-old girl whom proceeds to sabotage his life after he refuses her sexual advances.
  • 白蛇传1962 2.0 白蛇传1962
    1962 剧情
    简介:  只因那几世前的救命因缘,便上演了这感天动地的白蛇传。家住江南的平凡书生许仙(赵雷 饰)偶遇美若天仙的白娘子白素贞(林黛 饰)和丫鬟青青(杜娟 饰)。那娘子顾盼生辉,眉目传情,纵使木讷如许仙者也怎能不心有所动?岂料白素贞是修炼千年的白蛇所变,当年因被许仙前世救下,故而今天化作人形前来报恩。几经周折,许仙与白娘子配为夫妇。妇唱夫随,自由快活。却不知人间自有人间的规矩,乱他不得。更何况人鬼殊途,妖怪精灵何能在人类市井安享太平?白娘子和许仙的爱情必将遭受最无情的摧残与打击……  本片根据经典民间传说改编。
  • 纯白的声音 1.0 纯白的声音
    2006 剧情
    简介:  小白(蔣雅文飾)獲表姐介紹而成為配音員,因此結識了收音師克明(譚耀文飾)。克明與小白相處下來,互生情愫。小白的表哥阿庭(魏駿傑飾)暗戀小白,對小白關懷備至,可惜小白不領情。小白喜愛白色,克明欲錄下大自然中純白的聲音。
  • 大破白莲教 9.0 大破白莲教
    1939 剧情
    简介:  <<大破白莲教>>的故事讲述白莲教教主为了练成千人邪剑, 不惜杀人如麻. 邝山笑所饰演的侠客, 眼见黎民百姓生活于水火之中, 决意冒险夜探魔教, 设法为民除害. 途中, 侠客遇上了一名如花似玉的女子(梁雪霏饰), 该女子正企图自杀, 幸而侠客及时将她拯救. 结果, 二人同心合力, 攻破了白莲教, 而侠客更赢得美人归.


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