

类型: 爱情
导演: 周格泰




  1983年夏日,17岁的林克铭(石知田 饰)和王蕾(程予希 饰)因为一场英文演讲比赛结识,懵懂的情感就此发芽。然而一次年少轻狂的意外,硬生生地将两人分离,也浇灭了初恋热血的悸动,甚至没有来得及告别,还没有开始就要说再见的初恋,就在这首Bee Gees的《First of May》中结束。  20多年后,45岁的王蕾(贾静雯 饰)的女儿,同样17岁的白白(程予希 饰)令他们的人生再度交错,45岁的林克铭(任贤齐 饰)收到网上传来的一封信,一封似是迟来的、王蕾的信,让他再度忆起,那份纯情的年少时光、那段属于十七岁的狂妄,还有那份寂寞的遗憾。似乎冥冥之中注定了这个特殊的年纪将会有特殊的意义,17岁的白白,也陷入了一场情感的困惑,面对心仪的男生和最好的姐妹,她不知道该如何选择.....


  • 吻1955 9.0 吻1955
    1955 爱情
    简介:  无儿无女的医生的妻子读到了丈夫的护士的日记,想象她可能和倾慕的自己的丈夫之间要发生外遇.她设法让护士嫁人,最终却发现继任的护士更加漂亮.
  • 恺撒 6.0 恺撒
    1969 爱情
    简介:  Gheisar is about a young man's drive to revenge those responsible for who raped his sister and murdered his brother.
  • 波兰舞者 10.0 波兰舞者
    1917 爱情
  • 五十度黑 7.0 五十度黑
    2017 爱情
    简介:  安娜(达科塔·约翰逊 Dakota Johnson 饰)在出版业找到了一份前途光明的新工作,准备开始自己新的生活,格雷(詹米·多南 Jamie Dornan 饰)依然对安娜进行着热烈的攻势,虽然已经决定摆脱过去的种种,但对于格雷的魅力,安娜还是无法抵挡,最终,在格雷保证自己会做出改变后,安娜再次接受了他。  刚开始,重修旧好的两人享受了短暂的甜蜜,但随着时间的推移,格雷的本性渐渐流露。他不仅从特殊的渠道得到了安娜的银行账户信息,限制她的人身自由,甚至斥巨资买下了安娜供职的公司。在格雷的种种举动逐渐挑战安娜的耐心的同时,格雷不怀好意的前女友莱拉(贝拉·希思科特 Bella Heathcote 饰)再度出现在了他的生活中。
  • 加尔瓦克迪 9.0 加尔瓦克迪
    2022 爱情
    简介:  Jagteshwar(Tarsem Jassar 饰)是一名图书管理员,患有强迫性人格障碍(OCPD),无论是在工作还是在家中,他周围的人都已经接受了这一点。当大自然中意气风发的女孩 Amberdeep(Wamiqa Gabbi 饰)和 Jagteshwar 同住一个屋檐时,意识形态发生冲突,事情发生了变化。
  • 迷宫:秘密爱 6.0 迷宫:秘密爱
    2015 爱情
    简介:  Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon coincidentally meet at an acting audition. A strange gentleman appears in front of the both of them who are sick of failing at these auditions and suggests something to them. Meanwhile, Ayaka comes to Korea with her best friend Saori to meet her fiancé, Min-joon's parents. She runs into Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon who ask her to star in something and although she's not up for it, she's ushered into doing it by Shiori who loves handsome men. They move locations to a run-down facility and suddenly all exits are blocked and the four of them are trapped. Ayaka looks for an exit but instead finds cameras put up everywhere and gets the feeling that they are being watched. She suspects Yong-joon and Dong-hyeon of being behind this. Suddenly, young men overdosed with gas appear out of no where and try to rape Ayaka and Shiori. Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon fight them to save the women. All this is recorded live and sent to a crowd who is watching from a theater,enjoying it. Yong-joon and Shiori escape into another room but soon they are gassed and they suddenly want each other so bad. Then Shiori loses her mind and kills Yong-joon. Min-joon is watching this amongst the crowd at the theater. What happened between Ayaka and Min-joon...?


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