

类型: 悬疑
导演: 긴다이치






  • 巴黎来的私生子 1.0 巴黎来的私生子
    1983 剧情
    简介:  内容简单直接的催泪电影,根据《爱的故事》作家埃里克.席格的另一畅销小说改编而成。马丁.希恩在片中饰演的一名家庭幸福、婚姻美满的好男人巴伯,本身有两个女儿,然而在十年后他知道自己多了一个儿子,那是当年在巴黎出差时跟一位法国女郎婚外情的结晶。如今,小孩的母亲意外去世了,这个孤儿必须从巴黎到美国投奔父亲,而巴伯也必须说服家庭成员接受他这个亲生骨肉。导演狄克.李察斯以诚恳的态度来处理这个充满戏剧性的人伦故事,并没有刻意地夸张煽情,反而情感入心。马丁.希恩与女主角布莱思.丹纳的演出也相当精彩。
  • 巴黎圣母院1939 4.0 巴黎圣母院1939
    1939 剧情
    简介:  艾斯米拉达(玛琳·奥哈拉 Maureen O'Hara 饰)是一位善良而又迷人的吉普赛女郎,巴黎圣母院的神父克洛德(托马斯·米切尔 Thomas Mitchell 饰)在内心里被她迷得神魂颠倒。卡西莫多(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)是教堂的撞钟人,他天生生得一副丑陋异常的容貌,没有人愿意多看他一眼。  神父指使卡西莫多将艾斯米拉达绑架至圣母院,计划却被上尉菲比斯(艾伦·马歇尔 Alan Marshal 饰)扰乱。菲比斯救了艾斯米拉达,得到了她的芳心,可是之后菲比斯遇袭,艾斯米拉达却站到了被告人的席位之上。按照法律艾斯米拉达即将被判处绞刑,然而却是卡西莫多救了她。前者将她藏到了圣母院中,渐渐的,艾斯米拉达在卡西莫多丑陋的外表之下看到了一颗真挚而又善良的心。
  • 巴斯克维尔的猎犬1939 6.0 巴斯克维尔的猎犬1939
    1939 恐怖
    简介:  Sir Charles Baskerville dies at the entrance of his manor, and Doctor Mortimer says he died of natural causes. However, when telling Sherlock Holmes of the case, he feels Sir Charles' death was a result of a centuries old curse that runs in the Baskerville family, which Dr. Mortimer feels will strike at Sir Charles nephew, Sir Henry, who is arriving to claim the Baskerville estate. Holmes sends Dr. Watson in his place, along with Dr. Mortimer and Sir Henry, to the manor and for Watson to keep an eye out for any suspicious actions. Immediately after arriving, Watson notices the queer occurrences at the estate and surrounding moors, and sends Holmes reports of what is going on concerning the life of Sir Henry. Will Holmes arrive in time to unravel the mystery, and who is responsible for Sir Charles' death and the attempted murder of Sir Henry? Is it Dr. Mortimer, neighbor Stapleton, butler Barryman, harmless old Frankland, a mysterious wild man, or is there a curse on the Baskerville family? Very good opening entry in the Rathbone-Bruce Holmes series (even though this film lacks qualities of any ongoing entries.) The film could have been a bit more darker and foreboding (the film does have a movie studio set feel) and have an ending with a little more confrontation to it, but it does provide for much fun. The romantic scenes with Greene and Barrie have little spark, but there are very good red herring performances by the cast, which is a plus for this movie. Rating, 8.
  • 巴斯克维尔的猎犬 夏洛克剧场版 4.0 巴斯克维尔的猎犬 夏洛克剧场版
    巴斯克维尔的猎犬 夏洛克剧场版
    2022 剧情
    简介:  电影描绘了电视剧版发生的故事之后,两人再次相遇,再一次作为搭档开始接受工作委托后的最初的案件。福尔摩斯研究家和福尔摩斯粉丝称为“夏洛克·福尔摩斯”系列史上最高杰作的长篇杰作《巴斯卡维尔的猎犬》的故事作为原案。  日本屈指可数的资本家委托若宫为他搜寻女儿绑架未遂事件的犯人。但在那之后,资本家留下庞大的遗产,离奇地死去。为了探听资本家的死和绑架事件的真相,狮子雄和若宫降落在濑户内海的某个岛上。等待他们的是,一个一个都很难对付的华丽一族和奇怪的关系者们……和周围阻断的这个岛上,人们窃窃私语着传说中会袭击人的可怕魔犬的所作所为。连锁反应一样接二连三地发生了案件。复杂的人际关系和交错的现在与过去。这是不能打开的“潘多拉之盒”吗?同时若宫也面临着穷途末路的危机……这时候,狮子雄的决断是?这之后,两人终于抵达的可怕真相又是?
  • 巴斯克维尔猎犬1983 10.0 巴斯克维尔猎犬1983
    1983 恐怖
  • 巴斯克维尔猎犬 10.0 巴斯克维尔猎犬
    1937 恐怖
    简介:  A most pleasingly atmospheric rendition of the tale, noirishly photographed and moodily set, this is the version which probably would have delighted Conan Doyle the most. There is one important plot change which enables the beautiful Alice Brandt to enjoy both a larger role and a more intriguing part in the proceedings. This change also builds up the parts of Dr Mortimer and Lord Charles, yet at the same time provides a nice introduction to the is-he-sinister or is-he-a-good-guy Barrymore, deftly played here by Fritz Rasp.  Despite the sting of its well-developed story, the spellbindingly atmospheric direction and the engrossing performances delivered by the entire cast, many fans may find this version somewhat disappointing. For at least three reasons: As in the novel, the part played in the narrative by Sherlock Holmes, though vital, is minimal. And in this version, not only has no attempt been made to enlarge his role, if anything both writer and director do their best to minimize it. Holmes does not even make his entrance for half-an-hour, and when he does finally appear, he has his back to the camera. It is Fritz Odemar, as Dr Watson, who receives the more favorable camera angles. And there is a purpose in this. It is Watson, not Holmes, who figures as the main protagonist of The Hound of the Baskervilles. For the bulk of the narrative, Holmes disappears. It is Watson and Lord Henry (Peter Voss) who take up the running. The movie is almost over, before Holmes closes in on the villain. And even so, this is not the obsessed, self-important Holmes we are accustomed to see taking charge. Another problem is that the title hound itself does not figure a great deal in the action, a downgrading which will undoubtedly rate as another major disappointment for fans. And finally, it could be argued that the script gives too much attention to Conan Doyle's red herring, the escaped convict, and not enough to the real villain.  This said, it must surely be admitted by all, that Odemar's interpretation of Watson—intelligent, charming, level-headed, courageous and resourceful—is much closer to Conan Doyle's conception than either the bungling, inveterately stupid Nigel Bruce or the self-effacing Ian Fleming.  One other player deserves special mention: Erich Ponto (Dr Winkel in The Third Man) who seems exactly right for Stapleton. A difficult part, superbly played.  - JohnHowardReid, imdb


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