

本剧是继英雄一、二季后又一力作,情节环环相扣,让我们沿着上面的蛛丝马迹来寻找英雄之路,上一季末Peter在Hiro的帮助下毁掉病毒,Hiro将Adam送回过去,一切看似恢复太平...   然而,Niki为救Monica消失在爆炸的火光当中,Nathan也在记者会上中弹生死未卜一波未平,另一边Sylar已借Claire的血液重获新生,更加黑暗的旅程才刚刚开始... 英雄们将面临抉择,究竟是谁走向了邪恶? Level 5是个什么地方? 人们口中的恶人们又是何人?哪些人沦为了逃亡者--是恶人们四处逃窜还是曾经的英雄只能落得亡命天涯的下场...


  • 欢乐一家亲第二季 3.0 欢乐一家亲第二季
    1994 美国
    简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...
  • 欢乐一家亲第三季 2.0 欢乐一家亲第三季
    1995 美国
    简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...
  • 欢乐一家亲第四季 8.0 欢乐一家亲第四季
    1996 美国
    简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...
  • 欢乐一家亲第五季 10.0 欢乐一家亲第五季
    1997 美国
    简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...
  • 欢乐一家亲第六季 2.0 欢乐一家亲第六季
    0 美国
    简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...
  • 欢乐一家亲第七季 5.0 欢乐一家亲第七季
    1999 美国
    简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...


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