

Naagin (shape shifting female snake) is a story of love and revenge. Naagin delves into the life of Ritik. Shivanya is stuck between two extreme emotions -- love and vengeance. Shivanya's friend, Sesa is her support system, but she has an ulterior motive that no one knows about. The constant conflict between love and revenge drive these protagonists together as their lives clas...


  • 约翰·里弗 2.0 约翰·里弗
    2015 海外
  • 愿望清单第一季 8.0 愿望清单第一季
    2016 海外
    简介:A mysterious application called 'Wishlist' comes into the possession of a group of teenagers. It fulfills every personal desire if an special task is performed - now they have to deal with this responsibility. In contrary to the expectations no heavenly state occurs. They might have to ask themselves: How much can the people of the world come true before they harm their relativ...
  • 愿望清单第二季 10.0 愿望清单第二季
    2017 海外
    简介:A mysterious application called 'Wishlist' comes into the possession of a group of teenagers. It fulfills every personal desire if a special task is performed - now they have to deal with this responsibility. In contrary to the expectations no heavenly state occurs. They might have to ask themselves: How much can the people of the world come true before they harm their relative...
  • 浴血诗人 7.0 浴血诗人
    2019 海外
    简介:卡比尔·阿南德来到偏远的潘契加尼山区,作为莎士比亚研究教授开始新生活,这时一通来自印度总理办公室(PMO)的电话将他召回他一直想忘记的那个世界。卡比尔曾经是一名优秀的特工,在最近被谋杀的萨迪克·谢赫手下做事,因为十年前在俾路支斯坦的一次非常失败的任务而遭到印度调查分析局(RAW)驱逐。现在,卡比尔必须重新面对那些往事,为他的导师复仇,直面他在俾路支斯坦最致命的敌人,同时争分夺秒地拯救他的国家和他久违的爱情。该剧集改编自比拉·席迪圭的作品,于  9 月 27 日在 Netflix 上线。
  • 与敌为伴第一季 8.0 与敌为伴第一季
    2016 海外
    简介:BBC2迷你剧《与敌为伴》由Stephen Poliakoff撰写并导演,Helen Flint、Hilary Bevan Jones和Colin Callender参与制片。该剧以二战中被炸毁的一座伦敦饭店为背景,故事时间则设定在二战结束后的第一年。英国仍然受到严格的军事管制,英国军队以「军事战略」为理由任意征用家庭住宅、学校或其他设施作为军事用途,人们对此习以为常。冷战已经初具雏形,昔日的盟军成员国意识到纳粹德国的一些顶级科学家可能对他们建设国土防御体系极有帮助,于是四处展开追捕。 Callum Ferguson上尉(Jim Sturgess)就是从事这项任务的一名英国情报官员。在退役之前,他必须完成最后一项军事任务:确保在战争中被俘获的德国科学家Dieter(August Diehl)将关乎英国国家安全的尖端军事科技秘密交出来。为了劝说Diet...
  • 有家真好第一季 5.0 有家真好第一季
    2019 海外
    简介:喜剧《有家真好 Home》根据Channel 4同名剧改编,美版讲述Mark及Melanie两夫妇与儿子Jonah到林中小屋度假后,回来时却发现一个叙利亚难民Jay搬来与他们同住,不过这个奇怪的组合倒是令主角理解到家的意义。(原版是一位大马士革非法移民偷藏在主角车子的行李厢)   原版主演Rufus Jones担当主创﹑Stacy Traub编剧﹑Ben Stiller执导。


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