

已完结 / / 恐怖片 /中国香港 / 1991




  • 狂杀惊魂 5.0 狂杀惊魂
    1990 恐怖
    简介:  An experimental drug that is supposed to reduce aggression has the opposite effect on a baboon that is being experimented on by a group of medical students and their professor. While they are playing a fantasy role-playing game in their research facility, the baboon escapes and begins hunting them down.
  • 连环杀手之家 7.0 连环杀手之家
    2021 恐怖
    简介:  演員出道的英國導演康諾博魯,首部長片《尖叫開麥拉》便笑翻眾影壇、好評如潮。電影以偽紀錄片手法開場,講述一位紀錄片導演遇上立志成為連續殺人犯的男子,兩人一拍即合,更決心組織殺人集團,從面試嗜血同黨到進行合宿集訓,一場殺戮儀式即將展開,最爆笑的虐殺電影就要登場。影片精妙擷選並顛覆所有驚悚類型元素,更讓人捧腹大笑。對虐殺電影人設及橋段如數家珍,或熱愛《吸血鬼家庭屍篇》冷調幽默的奇幻發燒友們,千萬別錯過!
  • 灵魂侦探 1.0 灵魂侦探
    2016 恐怖
    简介:  该片讲述了大脑异于常人的侦探程晨,因破获一宗扑朔迷离的蓄意谋杀案一举成名,继而不断接到各类案件并且均能轻松破获,也正因为异于常人的大脑,使他不幸陷入一个圈套,又意外接触到一宗案件,借助智慧化险为夷并且成功破案。
  • 魔鬼双瞳 1.0 魔鬼双瞳
    1990 恐怖
    简介:  影片分为两个故事,全部根据爱伦•坡的小说改编。  杰西卡(Adrienne Barbeau 饰)的丈夫厄尼斯特(Bingo O'Malley 饰)病入膏肓,精神病医生罗伯特(Ramy Zada 饰)与杰西卡有染。两人合伙撺掇厄尼斯特将数百万遗产留给妻子。这对男女最终如愿以偿,但愤怒的厄尼斯特再度复活,势要复仇……  摄影师罗德(Harvey Keitel 饰)的女友安娜贝尔(Madeleine Potter 饰)带回一只流浪的黑猫。黑猫的叫声让本就烦躁不已的罗德难以忍受。他一气之下杀死黑猫,却不曾想从此走入黑暗恐怖的噩梦之中……
  • 魔域异变 9.0 魔域异变
    1990 恐怖
    简介:  Catherine Bomarzini (Sherilyn Fenn), travels back to her family castle in Italy after her father's death. Overwhelmed with excitement, Catherine invites her best friend Gina (Charlie Spradling) to spend the weekend. Gina and Catherine discover a local carnival outside the castle gates. Curious they wander to the carnival to enjoy the show and acts. Pleased with the performance, Gina invites the head magician Lawerence (Malcom Jamieson) and his crew to the castle for dinner. Drugged and seduced, Catherine finds herself drawn into a mysterious love triangle with the handsome magician and a creature of the night whose gentle eyes and touch reveal his infinite love. Is this creature real or an illusion? Guided by the ghost of a slain ancestor and the advice of the castle caretaker Martha (Hilary Mason), Catherine discovers the ancient curse that enshrouds the Bomarzini Castle... a curse that only she can dispel.
  • 霹雳战士龙 7.0 霹雳战士龙
    1990 恐怖
    简介:  在未来的世界里到处充满幅射尘,因而政府实施了13号计画,那是一个自动独力,聪明的精密电子机器人,但因没计划产生区缺失而暂时搁置。艾维在整理时无意中发觉此机密,特通知莫,但为时已晚,13号机械人正自动组合,发动及摧毁、破坏的任务。莫在临死之前发现机器人的致命处,于是传达讯息给女友吉儿,由吉儿和莫之好友沙德,联手将其摧毁。但同时军方却正式大量生产13号机器人!!


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